Which Schools does Routes for all work with?

Routes for all works with 20+ Schools, which geographically are spread out over the West of Scotland. Routes for all will be continued to expand and there will be additional schools added to this number. You don’t have to worry too much about the details of all of this, our team take care of all the liaison with schools.

How will I get to the schools that the sessions are scheduled for face to face delivery?

When we are delivering sessions face to face (which we aren’t at the moment due to the risk of spreading Covid 19) we will travel by car to the school leaving from one of the UWS campuses. A member of the team will drive to the school and will typically take 2-3 mentors with them depending on the number of pupils in the session. You can feel free to make your own way to the school if you would rather, but we don’t reimburse travel expenses for doing so, unless we have specifically ask that you travel a school, by yourself. If you choose to travel to the school by yourself we ask that you wait by the office/ entrance of the school until a member of the team arrives as we must all enter the school together. Please do not arrive and enter the school by yourself.

How will I take part in online sessions?

Online sessions will be ran on either the Microsoft Teams (via Glow) or Google Classrooms platform. We will provide you with joining details, which you can view on the sign up area of the website. You may find it helpful to record these details. For all online sessions we ask that you are online 10 minutes before the start of the sessions, this will allow time to set up. At the end of the session we will also ask you to stay online for an additional 5 minutes for a short debrief of the session. Please note working on Microsoft Teams (via Glow) does require a separate GLOW email account which the team will arrange for you for use on programme business. 

What happens in face to face sessions?

In a session which is delivered face to face, a typical session will start with welcoming all of the pupils and taking an attendance register. At the same time as distributing of the materials (which for a first session the team will bring with them, for subsequent sessions the materials will be stored in the room that we will be using). The sessions vary in content and the tasks involved will vary from sessions to session. Typically though we would ask that you actively engage with students, you may be allocated a group to work with, or you may be working with the whole group. Make sure that everyone participates, and that you help anyone who is struggling. Sharing your student experience in sessions is very important for the young people so please do that as the opportunity arises. We will also now be using the nominated learning environment (Microsoft Teams (vis GLOW), Zoom or Google Classrooms to enrich and enhance the in person delivery.    


I want to prepare for all of the sessions in advance, is this something that I can do?

We often get asked by mentors to provide detailed weekly plans, so that student mentors feel prepared going into a session. Each school and group of pupils will be receiving similar content, but the order in which this is delivered or the mode will be adapted by the member of Routes for All staff leading the session.

For this reason it is not possible to say exactly what each week will look like, also as attendance may fluctuate during the weeks, which means tasks and activities will need to be adapted in the moment.

Please try not to worry about the tasks that you will be asked to work on with the pupils, everything will be explained to you at the session, and our team are very approachable to answer any questions you may have.    





When should I submit my timesheet for?

All timesheets should be sent to the Routes for All email address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on the 1st day of each month. This is to allow plenty of time to review the timesheets and send them to payroll to be processed.

If you have been working as an ambassador on other tasks, please send that timesheet to the applicant enquiry team lead, any timesheets with Routes for all work, must be sent to Routes for all. 

 The code for Routes for all work is……………

You will then be paid on the 28th of the month for all work listed on your timesheet. Please use as many timesheets as you need to record everything neatly and accurately. All times on the timesheet should be recorded to the nearest 15 minutes, all timesheets will need to be signed by the mentor- this can be an electronic signature.


When will I be paid?                                                

You will be paid by bank transfer on the 28th of each month. If the 28th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, you will be paid on the Friday before. The December wage date can vary from the 28th of the month, please check with a member of the team for the details of payment for December 2023.  


Does my contract automatically renew each year?

No, it doesn’t.

To be a student mentor, you must be an enrolled student of the University of the West of Scotland, each year we will check with you if you are continuing as a student and wish to continue to work for Routes for All. Depending on the nature of your student roles contract / your enrolment status, will depend on how this is extended or not. We do usually each year, have a number of “returning” student mentors. 

A pupil has asked me a question about a course and I don’t know the answer, what should I do?

In the first instance ask the member of the team who is leading the session, if they know the answer they will let you know. If not, it is ok for the pupil to wait for an answer to their question, or to be directed to the best people to help with their question. What we strongly advise that you don’t do is just guess the answer- it is always better to check and be certain. Particularly where pupils are asking about entry requirements for courses, or the best route to a career or outcome. 

A pupil has asked for my contact details would should I do?

We strongly advise that you do not give out personal information to pupils, this helps to keep everyone safe. We use only first names when speaking to pupils and we do not advise that you share mobile numbers, social media profiles, address details, email addresses or anything similar. If a pupils wishes to contact you please provide them with the Routes for All email address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note that due to the nature of GLOW accounts being used, your first and second given name will be viewable by students on live Microsoft Teams calls and we would encourage you to be mindful of your social media presence, what you post and how easy it is for others to find and interact with your content. If a pupil contacts you via any personal means alert the Routes for All Team as soon as possible. 

How much will I be paid?

Which campus do I need to be from?

How many hours work can I expect to do each week?

What tasks will I do on online sessions?

How is work allocated for the student mentors?

Reporting of concerns?


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